January 14 - Board of Directors Meeting
January 21 - General Meeting
February 11 - Executive Committee Meeting
February 18 - General Meeting
March 11 - Executive Committee Meeting
March 18- General Meeting
April 8- Board of Directors Meeting
April 15 - General Meeting
May 13 - Executive Committee Meeting
May 20 - General Meeting
June 10 - Executive Committee Meeting
June 17 - General Meeting
July 4 - 4th of July Parade and Booth
July 8 - Board of Directors Meeting
July 15 - FRW Membership Reception
August 12 - Executive Committee Meeting
August 19 - General Meeting
September 9 - Executive Committee Meeting
September 16 - General Meeting
October 14 - Board of Directors Meeting
October 21 - General Meeting
November 11 - Executive Committee Meeting
November 18 - General Meeting - Election of 2025 Officers
December 9 - In/Out Meeting
December 16, 2024 - FRW Christmas/Installation Party (Officers will be installed)
The Fernley Republican Women (FRW) meet the third Tuesday of every month at the Senior Center, 105 Lois Lane, Fernley. In February we are bringing back Massey Campos, founder of Self-Evident Ministery. Hi desire and passion is to see Americans understand the Biblical heritage of this great nation and bring American back to the God who gave us this liberty. We ask that you RSVP for this meeting to ensure we have enough food.
To RSVP and/or for more information regarding the Fernley Republican Women and/or our meetings please contact FRW President Katie Baker at kproctor926@gmail.com or by text at 775-671-4574.
Member Reception & Dinner - July 16, 2024We had a good turnout and great food catered by Deco Catering at our annual membership reception and dinner. Pictured below is Senator Robin Titus with the entourage from Reno Republican Women. Nicol Herris, our guest speaker, is third from the left.
Fernley Fourth of July - 2024.Pictured are the FRW booth at Out-of-Town Park, FRW officers (Lorrie Olson, Carol Franich, Vida Keller, Tammy Hendrix and Patti Palmer) celebrating the 1st place trophy in our category for our float in the parade, and our prize winning float.
Christmas/Installation Dinner - December 19, 2023Another successful Christmas/Installation Dinner. Seems like almost everyone wanted a photo with Sam Brown, candidate for US Senate. More photos to come.
Wreaths Across America - December 16, 2023Under the leadership of Betty Mayne, our Armed Forces/Homeland Security Committee Chair, several FRW members once again assisted with the Wreaths Across America program by providing refreshments and counting attendees as well as by laying wreaths.
Member Reception - July 18, 2023Following are photos from our very successful Member Reception. Candace McCarthy chaired the committee and was assisted by committee members Amber Chambino, Susan Cottingham, Carol Franich and Peggy Gray. Also helping were Lorrie Olson and Judy Williams. The first photo is of Candace and FRW President Vida Keller; the second photo is of the attendees; the third photo is of the Executive Committee along with our speaker Amy Brown, retired US Army Captain; the fourth photo is Candace presenting the speaker gift to Amy Brown; the fifth photo is of our newest members who were being honored: Linda Hartweg; Cheryl Young, associate member James Whisler and Amber Chambino along with Candace who presented them with yellow roses; and the last photo is of the silent auction table. The event was held at the Fernley Senior Center and was catered by Pioneer Crossing Casino.
July 4, 2023 - Parade and BoothThe float had pictures of past locations in Fernley juxtaposed with the same site today: intersection of Main Street and Highway 95A, the Depot, the fire department and Fernley High School. The second photo shows both the first and current mayors David Stix, Jr. and Neal McIntyre (Mayors Moving Fernley Forward Through the Years). The third photo is of our walkers and candy ladies Candace McCarthy and Patti Palmer. Last is the photo the FRW booth at Out-of-Town Park where we registered voters and sold products.
McHoppers Craft Fair - April 22, 2023 - FRW Booth
NvFRW Legislative Day – Monday, April 17, 2023
Fernley RW sent 5 representatives to the federation legislative day: Carol Franich, Candace McCarthy, Lorrie Olson, Patti Palmer and me. In total, about 70 were in attendance from the other clubs around the state.
In the morning, we broke into teams and each team visited from 3-4 Assembly members asking for their “NO’ vote on AJR6, which proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to adopt the National Popular Vote Company, thus eliminating the Electoral College and making Nevada voters irrelevant in a presidential election. Unfortunately, this resolution passed on the Assembly floor on a partisan vote.
We then met with Governor Lombardo who spoke about the five bills he submitted to the legislature.
After lunch we convened in an Assembly hearing room and heard from several Republican Assembly members who told of bills they sponsored, the frustration of being in the super-minority, and how and why they were recruited or just plain decided to run for elected office. It is crucial to elect Republicans.
Pictured below from left to right: Candace McCarthy, Lorrie Olson, Carol Franich, Patti Palmer
and Peggy Gray in the old Assembly Room at the State Capitol
Fernley RW sent 5 representatives to the federation legislative day: Carol Franich, Candace McCarthy, Lorrie Olson, Patti Palmer and me. In total, about 70 were in attendance from the other clubs around the state.
In the morning, we broke into teams and each team visited from 3-4 Assembly members asking for their “NO’ vote on AJR6, which proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to adopt the National Popular Vote Company, thus eliminating the Electoral College and making Nevada voters irrelevant in a presidential election. Unfortunately, this resolution passed on the Assembly floor on a partisan vote.
We then met with Governor Lombardo who spoke about the five bills he submitted to the legislature.
After lunch we convened in an Assembly hearing room and heard from several Republican Assembly members who told of bills they sponsored, the frustration of being in the super-minority, and how and why they were recruited or just plain decided to run for elected office. It is crucial to elect Republicans.
Pictured below from left to right: Candace McCarthy, Lorrie Olson, Carol Franich, Patti Palmer
and Peggy Gray in the old Assembly Room at the State Capitol
2022 Christmas/Installation Dinner
District Court Judge Leon Aberasturi once again installed the FRW officers for 2023 and is pictured below with President Vida Keller, 1st Vice President Lorrie Olson, 2nd Vice President Candace McCarthy, Secretary Carol Franich, and Treasurer Peggy Gray. A delicious dinner, catered by Pioneer Crossing, was served and a profitable silent auction was held. All in all, a very successful evening.
2022 Wreaths Across America
Once again Fernley Republican Women (FRW) stepped up to assist at the Wreaths Across America event at the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Volunteers counted attendees, provided some of the refreshments, and placed wreaths on the graves. The picture on the left shows Fernley 45 presenting a check to the Nevada Veterans Coalition. The picture in the middle shows MJ Dodson, Betty Mayne and Pam Duckering, FRW members, who counted attendees. The picture on the right shows FRW members Kerry Palmer, Lorrie Olson, Patti Palmer, Betty Mayne and Jonell Maple, who also assisted at the event.
Fernley Republican Women Member Reception
We honored our new members and invited friends and neighbors to attend on July 19, 2022 at the Fernley Arts Center. Pictured below from left to right are attendees, FRW and NvFRW Officers in attendance, guest speaker Caroline Smith, NvFRW President, and our honorees who were welcomed by 2nd Vice President Candace McCarthy and President Jonell Maple, and presented with a yellow rose..
We honored our new members and invited friends and neighbors to attend on July 19, 2022 at the Fernley Arts Center. Pictured below from left to right are attendees, FRW and NvFRW Officers in attendance, guest speaker Caroline Smith, NvFRW President, and our honorees who were welcomed by 2nd Vice President Candace McCarthy and President Jonell Maple, and presented with a yellow rose..
Fernley Republican Women Celebrate Independence Day
Fernley Republican Women representatives at the Leadership Training on January 15, 2022 were President Jonell Maple, 2nd Vice President Candace McCarthy, Secretary Carol Franich, Treasurer Peggy Gray, Americanism Chair Judy Williams and member Elizabeth Kummer, pictured below along with Nevada Federation of Republican Women President Caroline Smith. In the general session, we heard reports from Nevada GOP representative Beau Hamilton, Washoe County School Board Trustee Jeff Church, and Nevada GOP Vice Chairman Jim Hindle. We also heard from Cindy Sassenrath on joining the Regents Program and Connie Skidmore who presented a primer on parliamentary procedures. Later, we participated in breakout groups which provided information to incoming officers and other interested persons on the basics of their positions in their respective clubs.
Lyon County Republican Central Committee (LCRCC)
LCRCC meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month except when changes are made to accommodate holidays or scheduling conflicts. The meetings begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. and are usually done by noon. Visit their website at www.lyoncountynvrepublicans.org for more information.
Carson City Republican Women
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month starting at 11:00 a.m. Visit their website at www.ccrwclub.com for meeting locations.
Churchill Republican Women
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month starting at noon (except January and February 2022) at the Maine Street Cafe. See more information on Facebook: Churchill Republican Women
Douglas County Republican Women
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month starting at 11:30 a.m. More information available at dcrwnevada.com
Sierra Nevada Republican Women
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month starting at 11:30 a.m. Visit their website at www.sierranevadarepublicanwomen.com