Dear Friend,
We have finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel after weeks of legislative paralysis due to the speaker vacancy. Last week, the House elected Mike Johnson (R-LA) as speaker with unanimous Republican support, and since then we’ve been able to hit the ground running and get back to work for the American people.
Since Speaker Johnson’s election last week, the House passed several priorities, including three more of the 12 appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2024, as well as $14.5 billion in military aid for Israel. This is a time of great urgency – the government runs out of funding in 14 days, Israel is defending itself against Hamas terrorists – and we are actively working to address the numerous issues our nation currently faces.
As the Chairman of the House Appropriations Legislative Branch Subcommittee, I was proud to lead the bipartisan passage of the Fiscal Year 2024 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act. This legislation:
- Ensures Congress remains open and working for the American people.
- Increases funding to help the Capitol Police recruit, train, and retain officers.
- Provides the necessary resources for Members to effectively serve their constituents.
- Maintains funding for House Committees to conduct vigorous oversight of the Executive Branch.
We have a responsibility to ensure American tax dollars are spent wisely, and I am proud that this bill strikes the delicate balance of supporting essential oversight responsibilities in a fiscally responsible manner.
The Fiscal Year 2024 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Act makes historic investments to secure our energy independence, modernize water infrastructure projects nationwide, and ensures the safety and reliability of our nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile. This legislation:
- Provides funds to the Department of Energy to bolster domestic production of critical minerals.
- Prohibits oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to be sold to any entity owned by or under the control of the Chinese Communist Party or any other entity that intends to export to China.
- Invests in construction, operation, and maintenance of our nation’s ports and inland waterways to ensure goods can be moved safely to and from global markets.
Our nation is blessed with an abundance of natural resources to help us meet our energy needs, including in the great state of Nevada, which is poised to deliver the lithium necessary for renewable energy across the nation. I was proud to support this legislation, which provides funding to responsibly develop these critical minerals.
The Fiscal Year 2024 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act reigns in bureaucratic overreach, unleashes energy and mineral production, and combats devastating wildfires. This legislation:
- Repeals constrictive regulations, like the Biden Administration’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulation.
- Prioritizes funding for Wildland Fire Management.
- Expands access to critical minerals.
- Limits abuse of the Endangered Species Act.
In terms of reforms, priorities, and spending reductions included in this legislation, Nevadans can claim several victories. Specifically, this legislation:
- Requires the Bureau of Land Management to include counties and local governments as partners in the NEPA permitting process.
- Prioritizes Lake Tahoe restoration efforts.
- Provides funding for hazardous fuel reduction and management.
I was proud to support this legislation, which invests in our nation’s natural resources in an economically and environmentally responsible way.
The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriation Act (H.R. 6126), which I proudly cosponsored, appropriates $14.5 billion to bolster Israel’s defense capabilities and ensure U.S. military readiness in the Middle East. The October 7th Hamas terrorist attack made it clear that the people of Israel continue to face an existential threat. This bipartisan aid package provides:
- $4 billion for Iron Dome and David Sling defense systems.
- $3.5 million for advanced weapons systems.
- $1.2 billion for the continued development of the Iron Beam.
- $1 billion to support artillery and munitions production.
By their own admission, Hamas will not stop until Israel is annihilated. We cannot leave one of our greatest allies defenseless, and I was proud to vote in support of this package. In addition, the House passed legislation to sanction foreign terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, condemn anti-Semitism, and support the safe return of Americans impacted by the attacks on Israel. With anti-Semitism on the rise both domestically and around the world, it is imperative the U.S. send a clear message that we stand with and support Israel and the Jewish people.
We still have additional appropriations bills that must be passed by the House, and we must find common ground with the Senate, but I am proud of the wins we’ve secured so far and feel optimistic as we continue moving forward in the FY24 appropriations process.
As always, thank you for subscribing to the Amodei Report. I look forward to continuing to keep you up to date on the issues you care about most. For additional information, please visit my website at or call my Washington office: (202) 225-6155, Reno office: (775) 686-5760, or Elko phone: (775) 777-7705. To receive updates on what I am doing in Washington and in Nevada’s 2nd District follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Mark E. Amodei
Member of Congress